Interview with Angie Bussey

… with Angie Bussey, born and raised in St.Lunaire-Griquet

Angie, you have participated in a huge and dramatic cat rescue action in Corner Brook. Can you tell us more about it?

I am a volunteer for the SPCA and Scaredy Cats Rescue. We saved about 200 cats from a house. A single man had all these cats in his house, it is the largest case of cat hoarding in the history of Canada.

How was this extreme case of cat hoarding discovered?

The middle-aged man was hospitalized and some cats got out of the house. Neighbours started to complain.

How can such a hoarding craze happen?

It started off with the man rescuing strays. He had so many cats fixed as he could pay for. But I think he couldn`t afford it anymore, so the cats kept re-producing.

What happened to the cats after they had been rescued?

We saved about 200 cats, many of them had to be put down. Probably half of them had to be euthanized.

How can we prevent this ever happening again?

People need to have access to a vet all the time to be able to have their pets spayed or neutered. But it is way too expensive for many people. We should have low-cost spay and neuter clinics. You are looking at a six hour ride from St. Anthony and a hotel night in Corner Brook. It is very stressful for the animals, too.

You are also a caretaker for feral cats, aren`t you?

Yes, I have a colony outside my house. We caught six cats with the help of Scaredy Cats Rescue. I am on the board of this charity.
The cats we caught have been fixed and put outside again. There are three more cats to fix and some kittens. They are feral cats and cannot be kept inside. When they are older cats, they are afraid of people.

What do you do for this colony?

I provide their food. I am also in the process of building a shelter for them in the winter.

Why did you take one cat inside although it is feral?

She was only 1.2 kilograms when I took her to the vet. I have three cats now: one from the hoarding house and one from the colony and one from a farm in Deer Lake.

How can we prevent cat colonies?

People have to know: Animals are not disposable. If you can afford it, have your animal fixed. And if it is not fixed, keep it inside all the time.

Do you have some advice for pet owners?

Having a pet is a big decision to make. A pet should be treated like family.

And dogs?

Dogs need to be played with, to be walked, they need to socialize with other dogs.

Thank you, Angie.

Orange & White- Buster- East Side Hoarding Cat
Grey & White- Zoe- Barn/ Farm Cat
Sandy Colored- Morgan- Outside feral colony cat (Photo Angie Bussey)

See also how fast cats can reproduce: Click here.

See the perks of spaying/neutering. Click here.

Link to Scaredy Cats. Click here.

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