How chocolate lab Reese got finally better

Chocolate lab Reese from Corner Brook (Photo Ashley Hedderson)

Stephanie Hancock-Hedderson, now living in Corner Brook, writes about her pet:

“Her name is Reese, and she is a 6 year old chocolate lab. In our opinion she is the best dog in the world:) we got her while living in Alberta, and for 3 years she travelled across Canada every time I came back to NL. We now live in Corner Brook, and she still goes everywhere with us.

Just recently (end of July) Reese took sick. We didn’t know what was wrong, she was very lethargic, wouldn’t eat or drink and we could tell she was in pain. We brought her to the vet right away and after x ray, ultrasound and bloodwork they still couldn’t find what was wrong. We agreed to emergency surgery (10 pm at night), and after everything the conclusion was a small stick got caught up in her small intestine.

She has recovered fully and is back to her happy energetic self, after costing us a small fortune. Vet care is so so important and it’s truest a shame that the closest vet for the GNP is in Corner Brook.”

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