
We welcome your input, questions, suggestions, stories, ideas, comments, discussions – in short: Write to us!
We all have the same goal: to improve the lives of pets and strays. We need your contribution.
(Your text will be looked at, edited and then put on the website. Many thanks!)

6 Responses to Blog

  1. Jackie Eddison says:

    hey, that is my cat Muffy and dog Storm of Noddy Bay, that pic is taken of the two of them playing in our driveway…

  2. Gina Woodard says:

    I am so happy to see people moving forward and trying making a change in the way others view our furry family members, and animals in general. We need to start somewhere. This website has warmed my heart because there is such a need for resources in our area. One of the important pieces of information I read was the need for education. All too often I hear, “it is only a dog, cat, etc”. It breaks my heart to know that some people do not consider how other animals suffer, feel pain and neglect, and require love. We have domesticated dogs, cats, etc., but think that they can still live as if they were wild. They should not live tied up outside in extreme weather alone. Dogs are pack animals and as their human caregivers, they consider us part of their pack. We are the generation to change how the world thinks. One of the most important steps that I noticed has been taken is getting a vet to make visits. Ultimately, we need a full time vet. I have even considered going back to school myself! However, it is a huge step getting a vet to make a visit to our part of the province. I know there is a lot to do, but I am so proud to say I am from an area that is willing to try to make a difference. We are not living in the area at present, but hope to be moving back within the year and we have concerns because we have two dogs of our own, not to mention regarding animal welfare in general. We will definitely want to become involved in such an awesome cause. Again, thank you for all you are doing.

    • Bernadette says:

      Gina, you said it all and you said it well. The lives of so many neglected dogs have to become better.
      We need people like you who want to make a difference. Let`s keep in touch!

  3. I wanted to bring some attention to Beagle Paws located in St.John’s and other locations in Canada…a non-profit group of volunteers working to find homes for Beagles. Beagles are often neglected and abandoned and used as hunting dogs only. They are loving pets too :) I own two in which I recently adopted from Beagle Paws!

    • Bernadette says:

      Thank you, Samantha, for this information. We added your website to our page “Links”. Beagles are wonderful dogs, as you say, very loving, and we wish them all a good home! You are so right, hunting dogs should be treated as pets!!! You are doing a wonderful job.

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