Pet Owner of the Week

Dinah and Randy Hedderson-Pilgrim from Fort McMurray AB (originally from the Northern Peninsula)

Dinah and Randy with Butterball and Stanley

Dinah and Randy have had Butterball, a male Golden Retriever, since he was four weeks old. Its mother would not look after the puppy anymore, so Dinah fed and raised it. Today Butterball is 2.5 years old. (Photo B. Calonego)

Stanley is a male Golden Doodle, a cross between a Golden Retriever and a Poodle. They have had Stanley since November 2011.

“The Six Golden Questions”:

What does your pet like?
Butterball likes going to the dog park. Stanley likes riding in the car.

What does your pet not like?
Batterball hates the bathtub, he is afraid of many things, including the vacuum cleaner and the blender.
Stanley isn`t afraid of anything but he does not like to be in his kennel.

Favourite toy?
Butterball and Stanley like their tug-of-war ropes.

Favourite food?
Butterball likes pancakes for a treat! Stanley would eat anything. Whatever he sees, he eats. He likes strawberries.

What have you learned since you have had your pet?

No one can ever love you like a dog loves you. It is unconditional love. Dogs take your stress away when you come come from work.

Do you have any advice for other pet owners?

Never underestimate your dog. Dogs always know what is going on. When our dogs see the suitcases, they know that we are going away.




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